Thursday, May 17, 2012

GLOWing in Gordinesti, Edinet!

 On May 5th, 2012, The 10th, 11th, and 12th form female students at Liceul Teoretic Gordinesti conducted 4 seminars.GLOW seminars are usually led by Peace Corps volunteers, but since we conducted a GLOW seminar last year at the high school, this year we decided the girls could teach the seminars.

The PC volunteer in this village took a survey on the topics the girls were most interested. After finalizing the topics, the girls had the opportunity to chose the seminar they would like to lead (in pairs). They were given materials and lesson plans used in the past by volunteers. Each pair led seminars on the following topics: dating, human trafficking, and violence.

One PCV also led a seminar on future planning. All of the seminars were informative, engaging and full of great activities. The girls that led the seminars prepared amazing lessons and activities. Not only did the girls that attended the seminar learn about the interesting topics, but they observed how accessible and fun it is to lead a GLOW seminar. They are excited to lead more in the future! 

Monday, May 14, 2012

GLOW Comes to Brînzenii Vechi

             On 17-18 March 2012, Brînzenii Vechi Theoretical High School hosted a GLOW seminar for girls in grades nine through twelve.  Over the course of the seminar, Peace Corps Volunteers Crystal H. and Chelsea M., along with PCV Emily V. and her Moldovan partner teacher, Mariana Banari, facilitated sessions on the following student-selected topics: self-esteem, stereotypes, gender roles, domestic violence, communication, nutrition, leadership, and future planning.  The facilitators conducted their sessions in an atmosphere which fostered open discussion, and the participants said that they enjoyed being able to communicate with each other and the facilitators (their teachers!) as equals.  Indeed, it was the students’ active participation in all of the sessions which truly made this seminar a success.  After an amazing weekend of learning, sharing, and laughing, the seminar’s fifteen participants said that they would like to lead a similar seminar for their peers.  Thank you, GLOW, for empowering the young women of Brînzeni!