Girls Leading Our World (GLOW) began in Romania in 1995 as a weeklong summer leadership camp. What started as a dream to encourage young women to become active citizens by building their self-esteem and confidence, increase their self-awareness, and develop their skills in goal setting, assertiveness, and career and life planning, has grown from the initial eighty women and four teachers to a global initiative. In Romania, the idea for Camp GLOW rose out of community needs and the trends observed by the three original Peace Corps volunteer organizers.
Since that first camp in Romania, Peace Corps has actively supported Camp GLOW in other Peace Corps countries and in the year 2000, approximately 21 camps took place around the world. In each country Peace Corps Volunteers and host-country nationals have adapted Camp GLOW to reflect the realities of the young women in their local communities. While the content and styles of Camp GLOW vary, certain principles and themes exist through all of the camps. These principles and themes include developing leadership skills, improving self-esteem, increasing knowledge of women’s health issues, respecting and caring for the environment, and promoting the belief that every woman can make a difference in her community.
GLOW Moldova has taken this a step further. Not only do we offer trainings for facilitating your own weeklong summer youth empowerment camp, weekend or day seminars throughout the rest of the year but we also aim to help each and every community to create their own sustainable GLOW Club for the young and old. In 2010 we conducted more than 12 seminars in over 10 Moldovan communities totaling more than 250 participants.
We also believe that to acheive gender equality and to
eliminate gender discrimination it is important that both girls
and boys are given certain life skills. Teaching Our Boys to
Excel or TOBE focuses on teaching male youth about
communication, anti discrimination, stopping the cycle of
violence, and much more.
Browse our site for more information and resources and feel free to contact us.