Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Youth from Ceadîr-Lunga Organize a Series of "True Masculinity" Seminars Across Moldova

On November 19 and December 12 and 13, Gagauzian youth Nikolay Manev and Igor Popov organized and facilitated seminars in the cities of Ceadîr-Lunga, Cahul, and Soroca on the subject "What it Means to Be a Real Man.” Taking up the motto "Let’s become who we were born to be!", these two high school students brought together their peers in each city to open a discussion on such topics as, "the qualities of a real man" and "the role of men in society." The primary goal of the seminars was to inspire young men to aspire and commit to positively changing their conversations, relationships, and service toward others. A total of 77 participants attended the seminars (Ceadîr-Lunga – 30, Cahul – 35, Soroca – 12). Because participants were similar in age and interests, an open and friendly atmosphere was created in each seminar, which allowed for deep and honest conversations to take place regarding the shortcomings of men in society and the potential that exists for the next generation of men to be known as “servant leaders” in their homes, communities, and workplaces.
With wonderful insights, participants came to conclusions such as, “if you want make a change in the world, you must first make a change within your own heart and mind,” and “real men are those who work hard to care for their relatives and take responsibility for their words and actions.”
As participants engaged in the conversations about the qualities of honorable masculinity, they began to decide which changes they would like to make in their own lives. One individual chose to work on reducing his level of fear and anxiety when leading. Others chose to commit to becoming more responsible in the way they think about and interact with women and girls.
In order to empower this change, the third portion of the seminar was focused on motivation – seeking to convince participants that a life of serving the needs of one’s family, community, and colleagues is the most fulfilling and exciting life possible. These individuals came to the conclusion that if they are to become true men, they must live not only for themselves, but first for the good of their family and community. To close the seminars, each participant was invited to sign a declaration, committing to live a life focused on serving their wife, children, and community. All participants were in agreement, signing and keeping their declaration as a reminder of their aspirations toward “true masculinity.”
"I would like to give a special word of thanks to the Turkish Lyceum "Orizont" and Winrock Moldova for financial support, and to "Dacia" in Soroca for donating their space. Also, many thanks to Vladimir Ormanzhi, who helped develop the materials and lectures for the seminars," said Nikolay Manev. Igor Popov added, "We hope more and more youth will discuss these important topics in the future within their circle of friends. Learning how to lead well and be a man is one of the most important subjects in life, and we are very appreciative of the great effort our mentor, Matt Rutter, has given to help us grow and realize our purposes." These young men are hopeful that these ideas starting from Gagauzia will continue to spread to communities all across Moldova, sparking a rejuvenation of loving husbands, fathers, and community members.
Written by Nikolay Manev

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